Last semester during a bouldering competition at the rock (that Paul manages here at Baylor), a student dressed up as Spiderman at the end and rappelled down from the second story balcony. At first Ilana was FREAKED OUT. I'm talking screaming, pointing and running straight to me. Poor thing. But, once she settled down and realized he wasn't going to hurt her, she became enamored with "Spiderman." Even as we were walking out the door she was pointing and "aahhhh"-ing with fascination. Well, the event must be marked in her memory forever, because a few weeks ago we were in the medicine aisle of our grocery store and of course all the kids bandaids are prominently displayed right at their eye level, about 2 or 3 rows up from the floor. So, while I was looking for something else Ilana started eying up the kids bandaid selection. They had everything: Hello Kitty, Barbie, Winnie the Pooh, every action hero you can think of, etc, etc, etc. What was the one that we couldn't leave without? SPIDERMAN!! Now, I find Spiderman bandaids in the oddest places. Ilana's never actually needed a bandaid - cautious child I have! - so, she finds other things to do with them, like...put the box in her stroller and stroll them around the apartment: